We are asked about the tools and services we use and the ones we recommend. The tools are designed to help you simplify your life, reduce risk, and be affordable. Some of the links are affiliate links so we will get some kind of credit for recommending these tools.

The list does not include a number of enterprise tools. We provide recommendations on most enterprise tools after we are engaged to assist a company. However, some enterprises are early in their adoption of tools so the tools listed here are a good place to start exploring options.

Password Management: 1Password
We’ve used  1Password for ages and we use it in personal and business environments. The program works on mobile devices and is Windows/Mac compatible. Hint: when you set it up, choose to sync your data across platforms so any addition you make on your personal computer is reflected on your mobile device(s).

Automated Backup for Home Computers
There are many solutions for home and small business backup. We recommend Carbonite for home machines and some small businesses. It works on Windows or Mac machines and has a very affordable annual rate. Many other people use mobile devices and have started to use iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or one of the other cloud providers. These can work just as well with a little configuration on your part.

Family Education on Internet Security and Risks
Learning the basics about risks online is very important. We’ve seen children and older people receive emails and text messages that appeared to be legitimate. They were not. Take a minute to look at the KnowB4 Home Internet Security training video information.

Email Encryption
Any business should look into email encryption. Employees often email login and password info and attach files containing sensitive information. We are fans of ZixMail and use it to protect sensitive info sent via email.

VPN for Personal Use
If you’d like to encrypt all information sent and received from your computer, phone, or tablet, you’ll need a VPN. We recommend SlickVPN to protect your data. It works on all platforms, is affordable, and allows you to connect from over 100 locations globally.

If you have questions about other services or tools, please contact us and we’ll write an addition here for others to use.